indian cinema heritage foundation

Hum Paanch (1980)

  • Release Date1980
  • GenreAction, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time163 min
  • Length4476.80 meters
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number94977
  • Certificate Date27/11/1980

To the villagers, Thakur Veer Pratap Singh was their God. But this God was a demon in his deeds.

He had made his younger brother Krishna a drunkard lest he demands his share in the property.

He performed a mock-marriage with Sundaria and when she became pregnant, he abandoned her. She went mad and her two brothers suffered in agony.

He cheated his best friend in gambling and forced him to sever his ties with his son Sooraj.

He ruined his sister’s life and conspired to send away her rebel son Arjun from the village. He never paid a single paise to his servant Bheema who served him loually since his childhood. He whipped him mercilessly when he demanded a little gold to marry his sweet-heart Lajia.

His atrocities forced the five youngmen to unite. When the five fingers unite, the hand turns into a fist and if this fist is raised by Krishna, what bounds will its fury know?

This in nutshell are the questions that are raised in “Hum Paanch” and which with gay abandon and frolicking humour it sets out to answer.


(From the official press booklet)

