indian cinema heritage foundation

Chhupa Rustam (1973)

  • Release Date1973
  • GenreThriller
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time147 min
  • Length4297.35 meters
  • Number of Reels18
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number72497
  • Certificate Date07/05/1973
  • Shooting LocationNatraj Studios, Filmistan, Rajkamal

Chhupa Rustam, yes, that is what he was - a man of great strength and many clever skills.

He was bound on a dangerous mission in which he was pitted against a band of hostile and treacherous people whose sinister designs would have jeopardized the interests of the country.

To combat them and bring them to book was a stupendous task. It was like playing with fire,, like going into the jaws of death. But he had to fulfill his mission. With his daring and indomitable will, Chhupa Rustam swung into action which culminated in an exciting climax.


[From the official press booklet]

