indian cinema heritage foundation

Madari (1959)

  • Release Date1959
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time123 min
  • Length4179.72 meters
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-28884-MUM
  • Certificate Date09/12/1959
  • Shooting LocationBasant Studios

Prince Vijay of Vijaygadh who was on his way to discover the truth believed Princess’ resusal to marry him. Having acquired magical flute and a magician friend Sunder, Vijay now encountered the Princess Pushpa who at once fell for his charms.

Meanwhile Amar the State Minsiter had also his eyes on the Princess, while his accomplice Kanchan a dancer dreamt of being the Queen Vijay and Sunder one day kidnapped Pushpa and her friend Malti but returned them in time to the utter shame of Amar. Now Vijay and Sunder visited the palace in disguise and again foiled Amar’s laid to capture them.

When Pushpa came to know the Juggler (MADARI)Vijay was the Price to where she was engaged, her joy knew no bounds. When the King asked Amar about the false letter of refusal, the vily minister got the King arrested and forced him to agree to marry him to Pushpa. But Vijay put up a brave fight and Amar had to take fight with his magical Cap.

But Amar again imprisoned the Kinhg and ven arrested Vijay. The dancer Kanchan began to call herself the Queen and got dressed as the bride intead of the Princess. While Pushpa lured Amar with her beauty and acquired his cape of invisiblilty. But when Kanchan discovered that Amar wanted to marry Pushpa, her feminie anger was aroused and she saved Pushpa from committing suicife on her day of wedding wit Amar.

Did the Pricness escape marrying the willy Amar?
Did Vijay attain the belovedof his dream?
Did Vijay attain the beloved of his dreams?

The fascinating juggler (Madari) will himself give the answer to all these questions in Ratan Pinctues' "Madari".

[From the official press booklet]

