indian cinema heritage foundation

Raaja (1975)

  • GenreFamily Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor Certificate Number78041
  • Certificate Date17 /11/ 1975

Though God had endowed the twin brothers Ram and Raaja with all the wealth in the world they had been deprived of the most precious wealth of all, the love of their parents, because their parents had died while they were very young, leaving them to the care of their only sister Parvati and an old but faithful "Munshi " Dayaram.

Parvati showers so much love and affection on her brothers that they never feel the loss of their parents. But even this blessing doesn't last long for them, because, one day Parvati is abducted by a notorious gangster Shersingh and the brothers are brought up in the belief that their only sister is dead !

Fifteen years roll by !

Ram and Raaja grow up into very handsome young men !

Ram works as an officer in the C. I. D. wing of Police department, while Raaja who aspires to become an actor in films still drags through his studies in college !

Abducted Parvati continues to languish in the custody of Shersingh, who has reduced her to the position of a concubine, even after she has borne him a son ! She bears in silence all the tortures and humiliations inflicted upon her by Shersingh, hoping against hope that one day or other, she will meet her brothers and when she does, she will handover her son to them and put an end to her life.

As destiny would have it, Ram is entrusted with the stupendous job of catching Shersingh whose exploits continue unabated and who has really become a challenge to the police department !

Once, while going through some old files relating to Shersingh, Ram is shocked and surprised to learn that his sister was not dead as he and Raaja were led to believe, but had been abducted by a gangster !

Then what happens ?

That is the most interesting part of "Dhandayuthapani Films" entertainment laden film "RAAJA" 

You should see it, to believe it !

(From the official press booklet)

