indian cinema heritage foundation

Jungbaaz (1989)

  • Release Date1989
  • GenreAction, Crime
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time143 mins
  • Length4252.61 meters
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number073
  • Certificate Date08/06/1989

Krishna Prasad Saxena is a famous legal luminary who wins his cases hands down.

He fights a case for Mahakal which results in the death sentence of an innocent fearless young man - Arjun who has no defence. Mahakal and his team rejoice their victory.

But their celebrations turn into a nightmare as Arjun escapes from the jail with the help of Krishna Prasad Saxena whose behaviour leaves Arjun dumfounded. 

Krishna Prasad Saxena 'Helicopters' Arjun to his castle situated amid an island. He is astonished to see his beloved, Sangeeta there. She works for Krishna Prasad Saxena. He reveals to Arjun that he has come to know the real identity of Mahakal and his men. He repents the decision of fighting against Arjun and genuinely believes that Arjun was innocent.

The mastermind Krishna Prasad and the warrior Arjun join hands to fight to finish Mahakal and his team. They achieve their goal gallantly.

[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director