indian cinema heritage foundation

Ji Chahta Hai (1964)

  • Release Date1964
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time152 min
  • Length5301.33
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number42765
  • Shooting LocationKardar, Ranjit, Shree Sound and other Studios

The wheel of Fortune keeps on revolving eternally. As the potter moulds the clay according to his own pattern, so does Destiny with human lives. None can turn this stream of Destiny and that is the story of "JI CHAHTA HAI".

In response to an advertisement in a Calcutta newspaper saying: "WANTED A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCES TO WORK AS COMPANIONS TO AN ELDERLY COUPLE............", scores of legitimate and illegitimate couples applied, but as luck would have it, the job fell in the lap of UTTAM & MEETA, who, under pressing circumstances, had to pretend as husband and wife, not knowing that in reality they are husband and wife.

Seth PURSHOTTAM and his wife DEVKI welcome Uttam and Meeta into their home for the job, neither parties ever knowing their relations to each other. In reality, Uttam is Seth Purshottam's own son, Meeta is their daughter-in-law but at this juncture, the parents fail to recognise their son and daughter-in-law. Neither does Uttam recognise his parents nor does Meeta know that Uttam is her husband.

How this irony of Fate came to pass and how eventually this irony of Fate is ironed out.......the answer to all this awaits you in "JI CHAHTA HAI".

[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director