indian cinema heritage foundation

Izzat (1968)

  • Release Date1968
  • GenreAction, Drama, Romance
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time135 min
  • Length3726.59 meters
  • Number of Reels14
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number89000
  • Certificate Date17/01/1979 (Re-certification)
  • Shooting LocationKardar Studios, Rajkamal, Filmistan, R K Studios

He, having fared excellently in his B.A. Examination was coming back to his village where his reverent mother lived. Now his ambition in life was saturated with the wishes to help his aged mother who had embraced all possible hardships to give him education. Now he would annex a job lucrative enough to give all comforts to his mother.

But at his village a very heart rending sight was awaiting him. Near the threshold of his good house he saw people thronged. As gloom covered the atmosphere an unknown fear caught hold of his happy heart.

He anxiously got forward to see his beloved mother’s dead body. People were busy arranging for the funeral. A terrible shock tore through his heart. He could not help bursting into cry. He felt forlorn.

Now there was Rev. Father Abraham to give him solace and as per the wish of his mother he divulged the secret to Shekhar, which his mother never told him.

Father Abraham told him how Thakur Pratap Singh of Ramgarh had blotted his mother’s chastity twenty years back. She had implored upon Thakur to marry her but she got  a ’No’ with the reason that it was prejudicial to the Izzat of his Thakur tradition. A Thakur’s son of high status could not marry a low caste aboriginal girl. And the girl decided upon committing suicide but Father Abraham’s kind hands stopped her. And after that what happened……..

“I know father” Shekhar shouted! He swore before his mother’s photograph. “Mother, whoever has done injustice to you, I shall kill him and destroy him. I shall take revenge of your Izzat”.

And in what term Shekhar took revenge—to know this—the glorious film Izzat of Pushpa Pictures Private Ltd is a must for one and all……..

It shall leave an everlasting impression on your mind and heart.

(From the official press booklet)

