indian cinema heritage foundation

Dost Garibon Ka (1989)

  • Release Date13/01/1989
  • GenreComedy, Action
  • LanguageHindi
  • Length4200.25 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberA-968-MUM
  • Certificate Date06/01/1989

Who is 'Dost Garibon Ka' the friend of the poor? Why he is 'Dost Garibon Ka'? How is he 'Dost Garibon Ka'?

When did he become 'Dost Garibon Ka' What made him become 'Dost Garibon Ka'? There is always a very major incident that makes a man what he becomes. That what happened to Vijay, our hero, a ghastly thing before his eyes in his childhood. That decided fate and course of his life........

Ever since the world began, in every country and in very age negative forces have been dividing humanity instead of uniting. There have been only two realities, one the rich and other, poor, one the exploiter and the other exploited.

And that is what 'Dost Garibon Ka' is all about...........

(From the official press booklet)

