The story revolves round the village and the villagers of all caste & creed who have implicit faith in senior Thakur Dharamraj (Anil Kapoor) whose word is a law. He is law unto himself. All disputes are settled by the great Thakur who heads the Panchayat and in supreme Law & Protection of the villages. Dharamraj has two brothers. Arjun (Anil Kapoor) end Mukul (Harish) who treat him as God, obey him, carry out his instructions mutely in reverence & respects him as the supreme head of the family & village.
Arjun marries the daughter of a business Tycoon Kulbhushan Kharbanda named Meena (Raveena Tandon) who is not fully conversed and acquainted with the routine customs & culture of the village life. With the passage of time, Meena learns, adopts and weaves herself into village life & becomes part & parcel of it.
Arrival of a young beautiful damsel disturbs the peace & tranquility of the village. She attempts to rope in Arjun who avoids her advances. She feels insulted & cooks up plans to disgrace him publicly & accuses him of having raped her. This infuriates Dharamraj the Thakur, Arjuns elder brother. Arjun remains mute to the charges leveled against him by the school teacher in complete reverence to his elder brother Dharamraj.
What action does Dharamraj take?
Does he punish his younger brother?
For answers, see only on big screen "BULANDI".
(From the official press booklets)