indian cinema heritage foundation
  • Release Date1979
  • GenreHorror
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time136 mins
  • Length3742.03 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberA-4502-MUM
  • Certificate Date05/01/1979
  • Shooting LocationEssel Studio, Film City

Teenager Raj (Sachin) is left alone in his father's grand, isolated villa. He loves the innocent Kamal (Rajni Sharma).

Raj is seduced by an elderly woman Mona who comes to work in his house as a teacher. Mona dies before she was able to reach sexual satisfaction in Raj's bedroom and her spirit starts to haunt him.

Her corpse continues to mesmerize Raj as it appears to demand the sexual fulfillment he was unable to provide. The rest of the film consists of Raj trying to rid himself of the sexually demanding female. 

First he tries to cool her by putting in the refrigerator, then he buries her and finally he disposes of the body in a lake.








Films by the same director