indian cinema heritage foundation

Aatish (1979)

  • Release Date23/02/1979
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time139 mins
  • Length4163.87 meters
  • Number of Reels17 reels
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-89443-MUM
  • Certificate Date16/02/1979
  • Shooting LocationMehboob Studios

From times immemorial, the relationship and bonds based on human grounds have always surpassed the blood relationship. This is because this relationship is mostly built on the solid foundation of Love, Devotion, Selfless Sacrifice and Faith. This noble relationship is like a beacon-light, flames of which cannot be extinguished by all the ignoble dark forces of the world. Nature has enriched human life with the noble forces of Love and Faith without which one is doomed to loneliness which is Nature's biggest curse and punishment.

Sorrow and happiness, tear and smile, love and hatred, faith and betrayal are like the various colours and shades which nature uses for making the great divine painting which is this world. Such thus are the ingredients which embellish the basic plot of "AATISH" where incidents unfold themselves with utter naturalness ad with the force of formidable torrent. "AATISH" is a very portraying the ultimate triumph of goodness over evil and light over darkness. It is story of powerful encounter between faith and betrayal.

"AATISH" is replete with clash of human aims and emotions. It is a tender tale full of poignant sentiments of Love, Faith and Sacrifice interwoven with powerful and heart-rending drama, breezy comic situations and breath-taking visuals. It is embellished with powerful and memorable performances by the leading Artists and is interspersed with hauntingly melodious and spell-binding music which is bound to take one and all into delirious raptures which will be long remembered. In short, "AATISH" embodies high voltage drama with powerful action-packed sequences, breezy entertainment and melodious music. 


(From the official press booklet)

