indian cinema heritage foundation

Asmaan Se Ooncha (1989)

  • Release Date1989
  • GenreAction, Drama, Family
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time139 mins
  • Length4079.08 meters
  • Number of Reels16 reels
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number11295
  • Certificate Date24/02/1989
  • Shooting LocationFilmcity, Filmistan, Esses, Chandivala

Every one who comes in this world, with his hard work and achievements, tries to become above the sky but he fails to reach there because the one who has made the human being and the Universe, only he is above all the story of our film ' Asmaan Se Ooncha' is based on this basic idea.

King and Nagraj, out of personal enmity want to kill each other to be on the top. And before them there is one D.C.P. Malik who is an honest police officer and who wants to keep law and order at any cost. He has a son, Vikrant, who is also a police officer and follows the footsteps of his father.

In the process of eliminating each other one day, king comes to D.C.P. Malik's home with the intention to kill him but is shocked to see his wife Anita-whom he knew in his earlier part of life. Now Malik is also baffled to see his wife Anita meeting King.  Life takes another turn when Malik finds Vikrant, his son, madly in love with King's niece with the result they become friends, but Nagraj does not like their friendship so he wants to finish both of them and be on top of the world.

Did it happen? What happen to their motive of being on top of the world for that you will have to see this beautiful "Asmaan Se Ooncha".

(From the offiial press booklet)

