indian cinema heritage foundation

Vidyapati (1964)

  • LanguageHindi

The memory of a man who attains greatness in any sphere of activity transcends time, and in the glory of his work, he becomes immortal. By his immortal verses, Vidyapati holds a permanent place in the minds of men.

Nearly six hundred years ago, when the Lodi dynasty ruled over India, Vidyapati was born in the kingdom of Mithila in the family of Ganapati Thakur The little village of Bispi near Darbhanga in Bihar is held in esteem as the poet's birthplace. 

As an intelligent little boy, the poet gave early promise. Fortunately, he spent his childhood in the pathshala of Pandit Harihar Mishra. There he studied with Prince Shiv Singh, who grew up to be the King of Mithila. The poet in Vidyapati was in full bloom when Shiv Singh was installed on the throne and happily wedded to Queen Lakhima. Radha, a village belle who blossomed on the rural soil, was the Poet's source of inspiration and the theme of his lyrics. 

The beautiful Queen was an ardent lover of poetry She was overwhelmed by the verses of the young poet who sang of beauty and love. The restless Queen Lakhima summoned Vidyapati to her palace. And thus the Poet left his village abode and came to the Royal Court. 

Tears flooded the eyes of Radha. In the pang of separation, the little flower that blossomed on the village soil wore a withered look.

Now the Poet had a new inspiration in the beautiful Queen. His pen poured in an abundance of rhythmic magic and his heart soared high on the wings of songs. But a black speck of cloud soon appeared on the beautiful horizon. The King was caught between the horns of a dilemma. Was this ardent passion of the Queen merely for the fountain of verses that sprang from the Poet's heart! Or was it her love for the Poet that was drifting the Queen away from him!

In the meantime, however, the Senapati from Delhi arrived to collect the revenue dues. War was threatening the land. Kind Shiv Singh accompanied the Senapati to Delhi. The Queen was worried and grieved. 

But the Queen was gravely shocked when, after the King's departure, the Mantri accused her of being in love with the Poet and of becoming an un-loyal wife to the King. 

This false allegation cast its shadow of gloom on the Poet's face. There were only two ways left before him. Either to go to Delhi to make King Shiv Singh realise through his poetry the innocence of Queen Lakhima from the charge of misconduct or to end his own life by drowning in the waters of Jumna.

When the news of the Poet and the Queen reached her village, desperate Radha  Left for Mithila to declare before the world her true love for the Poet. Meanwhile, the Poet was on his way to Delhi to convince the King. Poor Radha was soothing the bleeding heart of the Queen in Mithila, while the Poet was meeting his ordeal in Delhi.
The magical power of the poetry of Vidyapati succeeded in bringing back King Shiv Singh. The cloud of suspicion cleared away and the Poet presented the King before his loving Queen and the Queen restored Radha to her true love.

(From the official press booklet)

Films by the same director