indian cinema heritage foundation

Shiva Shakti (1988)

  • LanguageHindi

Shiva is a simple, young man from a village who loves his sister Kusum very much. Shiva comes to the city to earn money for his sister's marriage. In the city, Shiva learns driving but his steering is controlled by a beautiful and naughty girl called 'Dolly' One day Shiva meets a dynamic young man called Shakti, who looks to be a millionaire but in fact, he is a thief. Shakti has a terrific quality that he is the best driver in the city. In the same city, there is a man called D.C. who is underworld Don.

Nobody ever dares to go against his wishes and he wants Shakti's help in a diamond robbery but Shakti refuses to work for him. Shakti's refusal bugs D.C. and he goes after Shakti's life. Harassed Shakti leaves the city and goes to the same village where Shiva's sister lives. Young hearts meet & finally fall in love. D.C:s people reach in the village and on a particular point they blackmail Shakti and make him agree to work for D.C. The Diamond robbery takes place but Shakti becomes the only victim. When Shiva comes to know about the robbery case, he starts hating Shakti. Shiva always used to think about the marriage, of his sister with Shakti. All his dreams get shattered. Broken Shiva comes to the village and gets bigger shock after knowing the happenings in his sister's life. He takes an oath to take revenge from the person who spoiled his sister's life. Shiva comes back to the city and have a tough fight with Shakti. Somehow during the fight Shiva comes to know that Shakti really loves his sister and has been trapped by D.C. Both, Shiva and Shakti embrace each other and go to take revenge from D.C. In the battle who wins loses for that see Shiva - Shakti on the screen………...

(From the official press booklet)