indian cinema heritage foundation

Sabak (1950)

  • GenreDrama
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Length3725.26 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor Certificate NumberB-47575
  • Certificate Date08/05/1950

There was a rich man, Thakur Sahib, owner of 20 villages and ten thousand Bighas of land. In his estate there lived a poor old Pansari, Badri Kaka. Both hated each other immensely. 

Badri Kaka had a daughter—Lajvanti. Thakur had a son—Manohar. Both loved each other immensely. 

These young loving souls had two places to meet—the Mango grove of Badri Kaka and the Palace of the Thakur. 

There was another man who also loved Lajvanti—Chaman the mad poet of the village. There was still another man who hated Lajvanti and Badri Kaka. He was the Munim of Thakur Sahib. 

While love among the chickens grew, the old roosters became wild with personal hatred. 

Manohar was reprimanded by Thakur Sahib with a threat to disinherit him. Lajvanti was lovingly told by Badri Kaka to keep away from Manohar and his Palace. 

But love has always laughed at reprimands, threats and rebukes. Badri Kaka was a wise man. When all his fatherly advices failed to convince Lajvanti of her folly, he took her one day to the gates of Thakur's palace, and challenged him to come out. 

The Lord of 20 villages and ten thousand Bighas of land came out to face the poor Pansari—The Pansari demanded the fixation of a date for the marriage of Lajvanti with Manohar. 

MARRIAGE? What arrogance? Lajvanti was not fit even to be a slave in the palace—The poor man was laughed at, ridiculed and slapped. 

Badri Kaka and Lajvanti returned to their cottage. Lajvanti was down-cast with shame and frustration. Kaka was happy—He had given a practical lesson to his misguided child. 

Thakur ordered his men to cut down the Mango grove of Badri Kaka, destroy the house and drive him out of the estate. The orders were obeyed—inspite of Old Badri's valiant defence—His beloved Mango trees were mowed down. 

Badri decided to sell the fallen trees and leave the village for ever. While digging among the roots, Badri found a big sealed pot. The Pot contained gold and some documents.

The documents showed that the Thakur was a USURPER. The villages, the lands and the palace belonged to Badri Kaka. It was his ancestral property. 

The Revenge ! Kaka struck with full force of his hatred—The Courts decided in his favour. 

Thakur the Lord of 20 villages and ten thousand Bighas of land walked out and the Pansari stepped in the Palace. 

Now Lajvanti was rich and Manohar was poor—The parents were still enemies. 

The lovers had become conscious of their changed positions. Suddenly they found that a large wall had come between them—the wall of vanity and self-respect. 

Dear patrons, can you solve the psychological tangle of the lovers?

We have solved it in our own way with the hope that you will like it.

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director