indian cinema heritage foundation

Noorie (1979)

  • Release Date11/05/1979
  • GenreRomance, Drama, Family
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time115 min
  • Length3303.23 meters
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number89490
  • Certificate Date01/05/1979
  • Shooting LocationRajkaml Kalamdir , Kamalistan, Film City

Noorie is the embodiment of a rose caressed by the virgin ray of the sun. pure, aromatic breeze quiver in the lush green valleys whispers only one name Noorie.

Noorie asked Yusuf, “What have you decided about yourself? What is your life’s choice?” Yusuf first responded to the stirrings of his soul and then listened to his heartbeats and replied “Noorie is my answer.” His eyes were brimming with love’s playful ecstasy.

But Bashir Khan had already begun to create obstacles in the mystique of true love. Bashir was a village youth, seeped in luxury, whose fancy selected any girl as his bed partner. There was yet another tough guy in the village. His name was Paulad Khan. He too was ensnared by Noorie’s beauty but he was powerless. He could not succeed, grieved as he was. Hence he threw in his lot with Bashir and brought grief into Love’s cocoon.

Noorie was love-conscious and was even prepared to risk her life to preserve her love. Only a prince could dare to meet her in her dreams and that was Yusuf. Yusuf was as dear to her as her own life and Yusuf’s heartbeats articulated only one name—N o o r i e. Yusuf was a real dust particle in Bashir Khan’s eyes. Noorie had a protector in Ghulam Nabi her friend and a dog named Kairoo, her friend.

An animal proved his loyalty. He also showed his devotion to his master at every step in this tale of matchless love. How and to what extent Bashir Khan had the upper hand? Who is able to subjugate love? Who can keep the lovers apart? Fear and obstacles are meaningless to lovers.

Life, even death is sacred to them.

A poet is eloquent about love;

Oh, what a mystique Love is

With a spell of Hell and Heaven cast in it.

(From the official press booklet)

