indian cinema heritage foundation

Majboor (1964)

  • LanguageHindi

Man feels helpless in face of situations. The film "MAJBOOR" is a unique story of such a situation told in an interesting and bold manner.

Ravi is the scion of a rich family. He has a very exclusive and possessive mother. He meets Sheel, the young and beautiful daughter of a refugee doctor under very interesting circumstances. They meet quarrel, fall in love and get married. As Sheel enters her in-law's house; instead of love and affection, she gets only a cold shoulder from her traditional mother-in-law.

Ravi's mother belongs to that old school of mothers-in-law where daughter-in-law is treated more as a rival than a member of the family-an intruder who would snatch the son from the mother and eventually grab the whole household. This suspicion and misunderstanding leads to a show-down where the mother-in-law swears by her son and declares that either she or her daughter-in-law would stay in the house. Faced with this grim alternative Sheel has to go back to her father who was lying ill and, to add further Sheel's miseries, breathes his last soon after.

On the other side Ravi's sister Seema, an innocent teen-aged girl, falls prey to the manouvres of a prowling go-getter. What sufferings Sheel has to face to save Seema from a life of dis-honor and what sacrifices she has to make to save the life of her husband - all these heart-rending sequences form the climax of this gripping and most unusual picture.

(From the official press booklets)