indian cinema heritage foundation

Kucch To Hai (2003)

  • Release Date2003
  • GenreHorror
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time135 min
  • Length3804.24 metres
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/4/2003-MUM
  • Certificate Date16/01/2003
  • Shooting LocationFilm City, Sankraman Studios, Balaji Studios, Chetan Studios, Kamalistan, Magnum Studios

They thought it was just an accident...

They thought that he was dead...

They thought it was over!

Three years ago - in an innocent attempt to save a friend's neck - six friends started a deadly game of hide and seek, in which, 'seek' meant brutal death.

The game had only one fallout - guilt. A guilt which tore them away from each other - with half finished love stories and unfulfilled promises.

But now, three years later, someone had apparently learnt the truth and the horror was starting again!

The friends had come together once again.

But this time, was it by design or default.

Just when they thought the game was over - in the picturesque snowscaped streets of Simla - their worst fears came alive, almost like a recurrent nightmare! There was an unknown avenger out there, seeking them. Only this time, there was just one place to hide - and that was in death itself!

Would he stop the terror - or, was he out for complete justice... and ... was he alone!!

Tushar Kapoor (as Karan), Eesha Deol (as Tanya) and new find Natasha (as Tashu) star in this romantic - edge of the seat - thriller. A story which has all the elements of the genre and is crafted skillfully to blend one with the other without a seam.

The college campus...

The colour and exuberance of youth...

The two beautiful girls in love with one handsome but simple guy...

The local Romeo who thinks he is next best thing to God...

And the two bumbling likeable idiots with their common muse...

Kuch To Hai is all this and much more... a newfangled cocktail of seven melodious songs, breathtaking visuals and life like performances.

The least it does is justifies its name - Kuch To Hai !

[From the official press booklet]