indian cinema heritage foundation

Krishna Bhakt Sudaama (1980)

  • Release Date1980
  • GenreDevotional
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time119 min
  • Length3755.79
  • Number of Reels17
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number94976
  • Certificate Date26/11/1980

The saga of immortal friendship, undying love, total devotion and ever-lasting togetherness blossomed between two great souls in the aashram of Guru-Sandeepan. The foundation of the greatest-ever friendship of Krishna and Sudaama was laid with the blessings of Maa Yashodha and Raja Nand so supreme and pure was their friendship and loyalty towards each other that even the demon-strenth of Kansa's wife Asti could neither destroy nor even diminish it.

Yet none could challenge the part enacted by destiny and Krishna with his divine love for Radha and his duty and devotion towards Maa Yashodha had to leave for Dwarka, thus separating from his inseparable. 

Then what was the reason that Krishna the Lord of the universe could not help Sudaama, who led a life of extreme misery and poverty?

In today's materialistic world where even the right hand hates and works against the left one, "Krishna Bhakt Sudaama" is a page from India's glorious past and projects a sublime tale of selfless love, blind devotion, great sacrifices and immortal friendship which bids fair to be a model for this generation to emulate.

[From the official press booklet]

