indian cinema heritage foundation

Kanoon Ki Zanjeer (1990)

  • Release Date1990
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Length3915.43 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number89680
  • Certificate Date12/11/1990

Doctor Suman and Press Reporter Sashi, while returning from a late night film show, see two rowdies trying to kidnap a girl by forcing her into a van. Sashi informs the police.

Latar Mumtaz tells the inspector that she was brought to Bombay by a man named Indivar on pretext of getting her a job and she was sold to a brothel house, from where she had escaped and goondas were trying to take her back when the Inspector saved her. Shashi tells to newspaper Editor and wants him to print his but the Editor refuses to do so as this was a routine story and everyday happening. Then he asks her to go to Central Jail and interview a condemned prisoner, Ajay Kapoor, who was to be hanged on 20th inst. for killing his own wife. Shashi meets Ajay Kapoor in the Jail and wants to know the truth but he does not talk to her. Having been refused interview by a convict, she writes an imaginary interview with the convict saying that Ajay Kapoor was a playboy, a rogue and proprietor of an advertisement agency where a girl named Jaya was working as a model. He persuades the girl to marry him. After sometime, Ajay Kapoor brings girls to his own bedroom to have a sex argy and when his wife objects to it, there is quarrel between them. They distance themselves from each other. His friends taunt him that what sort of a husband he was if he could not control his own wife. One day Ajay Kapoor returns home, drinks and kills his wife. He is awarded capital punishment and is to be hanged on 20th inst.  The mercy petition is pending with the President of India. Ajay Kapoor escapes from the jail being chased by the police. He is shot and by fate come to the house where Shashi and doctor Suman are living.

Doctor Suman wants to treat Ajay Kapoor for his bullet wounds but Shashi objects that he was convict escaped from the law and should be handed over to the police. Suman does not agree with Shashi and treats Ajay Kapoor and removes the bullet from his body. From him Shashi and Suman come to know that Indivar was working as Photographer in his company and used to photograph the models. One day, he took some objectionable photographs of his wife and wanted to black-mail her to submit herself to him. When she refused, he killed her. At that time Ajay had entered the house and extricted the knife from the body of Jaya and as husband and wife were not on good terms, Indivar had implicated Ajay in the murder case and he could not tell the truth in the court for obvious reasons.

When he is telling his story, the house is surrounded by Inspector Shekhar and police. Ajay escapes from the house. IN the jeep, in which Indivar is feeling, we show Shekhar coming up from behind and Indivar leaves the jeep and runs. Shekhar shoots at him accusing of killings of his wife and other crimes and then it is shown that it was not Shekhar but Ajay himself who had donned the mask of Inspector Shekhar to take revenge from Indivar, for implicating him in the murder of his wife.

[From the official press booklet]

