indian cinema heritage foundation

Kahani Kismat Ki (1999)

  • Release Date19/03/1999
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time135 mins
  • Length3888.81 meters
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/8/1999-MUM
  • Certificate Date24/02/1999
  • Shooting LocationFilm City, Kamalistan, Hotel Monarch (Ooty)

The story of Fate - of Destiny - the story of one family.     

This is a family which everybody has been killed over a dispute about land and property. Everybody, except.... a small child Prashant Varma (Mithun Chakraborty) and his grandmother. When Prashant grows up, he has only one wish - that is to see his grandmother happy. Due to this, he becomes enemies with one of the big industrialists Deva (Milind Gunaji).

At this time, at Prashant Varma's 5 star hotel a murder takes place during the New Year party and it is Deva who is accused for this. Deva's lawyer is the well known young lawyer Prabhu Ashish Kapoor (Sharad Kapoor). The case is taken to court. When the facts about this murder are disclosed .... everybody is shocked !

This is a romantic, family story and also a story of enmity which you must see on the Big Screen.

[From the official press booklets]

