"JIS DESH MEN GANGA BEHTI HAI" is the strange story of the progress of a strange pilgrim.
Thousands of men, women and children go to the Ganga every year, and return home with heaven in the hereafter made certain ! But not this strange pilgrim. If he goes to the Ganga, he returns with Ganga locked in his heart. And then, symbolically speaking, wherever he goes the Ganga goes with him. For the man and the river it is the glorious act of reaching out far and wide, and, seeking entry into men's souls.
Raju, a simple hearted "child" of the soil, with a song on his lips and the queen among rivers in his heart, sings his way into the souls where for centuries the monster of hate and crime has resided. It is for him the greatest of all pilgrimages, his carrying the holy river into the hearts and souls of men. Such is our pilgrim, the hero of "JIS DESH MEN GANGA BEHTI HAI".
It is the story of his love for a dacoit girl; his conflict with the killer whom he treats as a wayward child of Mother-India; his adventures as an inspired "accomplice" of the same killer.
It is also the story of the great moment of truth when the killer himself calls the payment of his debt to Society, when the aggressor and victim come face to face, with nary a feeling of hate or degrading guilt. It is the story of a moment athrob with the total good of more than fifty centuries ! Fifty centuries of the growth of Indian civilisation to which the Ganga alone has been the witness !
It is an epic, almost oceanlike in its sweep, and, one may only skindive into its utmost depths. This you will surely do when you set out with Raju on a unique voyage of discovery in the realm of the passions of love and hate.
To believe, you will have to see and feel for yourself. Such is the nature and demand o all grandeur, all beauty. To see and to feel for yourself.
[From the official press booklet]