indian cinema heritage foundation

Jaydev (2001)

  • Release Date2001
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time148 min
  • Length4336.82 metres
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/35/2001-M
  • Certificate Date27/04/2001

Jaydev Verma alias Jay (Ramesh Kumar) is a young innocent motor mechanic, who once confronts with a young, pretty girl Vishu (Vishakha Zaveri). At first sight, Vishu falls in love with Jay but faces stiff opposition from her rich and noted criminal lawyer father Alok Saxena (Aloknath) but inspite of stiff opposition from her father, Vishu continues loving Jay.

Here in another turnover, Jay's elder brother Dr. Dinkar Pandey (Ramesh Bhatkar) opts to enter in politics and bags party ticket, thus hurting Dadubhai Waghmare (Ishrat Ali) who was supposed to be the strongest contestant for the party ticket Dadubhai warns Dr. Pandey to be away from politics and after failing kills him brutally. Jai takes matter with police.

Inspector Janaardan Pujari (Jeetendra) who handles Dr. Panday's murder case takes on to Dadubhai heavily and arrests him at the time when he was about to be sworn as a minister, thus breaking his all time desire into pieces. Inturn Dadubhai retaliates dangerously with the help of his one time rival Damu Anna (Depak Shirke) and eliminates Insp. Janaardan Pujari forever, thus leaving Jay helpless.

Will there be any law which can stop social criminal like Dadubhai from entering in politics? 

Will Jay be able to get justice for his brother? This film will be the most watchable action packed drama to be watched only on silver screen.

[From the official press booklet]

