indian cinema heritage foundation

Jai Mata Dee (1977)

  • Release Date21/03/1980
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguagePunjabi
  • Run Time126 mins
  • Length3485.63 meters
  • Number of Reels14 reels
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-83825- Mumbai
  • Certificate Date10/03/1977
  • Shooting LocationShree Sound Studios, Bombay,Mata Vaishno Devi

Whosoever comes to seek the blessings of Goddess Mata Vaishno Devi chants ‘Jai Mata Di’, ‘Jai Mata Di’ in the holy darbar. No matter how guilty and sinful he is, the Mother Goddess Vaishno Devi washes away all his sins, forgives his crimes and fulfils every wish. She always blesses her devotees. The glory of Goddess Vaishno Devi is immense. But the one who considers Mata Vaishno as non-existent and does not worship her power surely faces the consequences. The film ‘Jai Maata Dee’ tells the story of a man named Balbir (Dara Singh), who is powerful and rich but also a man of atheist thoughts who does not believe in the divine powers of Devi Mata. However, Balbir is not aware that his wife Sheel(Komila Wirk) is the ultimate devotee of revered Mata Vaishno Devi. 

Sheel and Balbir are leading a happy life. Sheel’s friend Chanda (Sanjana) is the one who brings happiness to their family. Sheel and Chanda love each other more than real sisters. In fact, Chanda and Balbir were deeply in love and they wanted to marry. But one day young Chanda came to know that Balbir's mother(Mumtaz Begum) before her death, had pledged to Sheel's father to make Sheel her daughter-in-law. This revelation prompts Chanda to sacrifice her love. She happily arrangesSheel’s marriage with Balbir. A few years after their marriage, a boy is born to the couple. The child is named Deepak (Satyajeet), as he comes to the house as a lamp that spreads the light of happiness. As Deepakgrows up, Sheel begins to teach him the devotion to Goddess Vaishno Devi. When Balbir observes all of this, he does not like it and instructs Sheel that neither should Deepakchant Devi Mata's name nor should she teach such lessons to his son. Sheel explains to Balbir that one should not disrespect Devi Ma. By insulting Vaishno Devi, a person gets caught in troubles, while reciting her name or singing hymns in her praise relieves one from all troubles. 

However, the atheist Balbir is not prepared to listen or believe this. In time, Balbir’s business starts declining. The same man who was once rolling in money now becomes a debtor of many people. His office and bungalow are taken over by the borrowers. Once again Sheel tries to make him understand that all of this has happened due to his showing disrespect to Mata Vaishno Devi. She explains to him that if he still apologises to Devi Ma and takes her blessings, all his bad days will be over. But he does not listen to her advice. Angered by the repeated pleadings of Sheel and Deepak, Balbir picks up the idol of Goddess Vaishno Devi and throws it out. Balbir not only meets with an accident but also loses his eyesight. Keeping her faith in Mata Vaishno Devi, Sheel prays and Devi Mata, who has compassion for her devotees, tells Deepak in a dream to bring Balbir to her holy darbar. Deepak tells his father that Goddess Vaishno Devi is calling them. Balbir does not agree at first but he has to bow down in front of Deepak's insistence. Deepak takes his handicapped and blind father to Mata Vaishno Devi temple despite many physical hurdles and financial difficulties. Mata Vaishno Devi showers her blessings on the ardent devotees Sheel and her family. Balbir’s eyesight is restored.  


