indian cinema heritage foundation

Hisaab Khoon Ka (1989)

  • Release Date1989
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time144 min
  • Length4403.04
  • Number of Reels17
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU/A
  • Censor Certificate Number233
  • Certificate Date09/06/1989
  • Shooting LocationGulmarg, Pahalgam, Mysore, Ooty, Esel Studios, Film City, Filmistan, Iskcon Auditorium, Anand Bhavan, Anand Hall & Naayar Bungalow

Suraj - Who renounced the bindings and restrictions of a grand Palace Life in order to enjoy the open wastness of nature.

Annu - A budding lively and zestful belle who blossomed under the showers of Suraj's Love.

Preet - Who converted her defeat into victory and

Rajesh - Who conceived a charming nest filled with hopes and ecstasies, but his dreams were shattered before turning into reality. And likewise Suraj had to convert the pyre of his Love into an inferno with his own hands. But like a bolt from the blue Suraj heard a pathetic voice arising from the smoke of the inferno. "The voice of Death" coated with a Sweet melody. Upon hearing this melody the hair of the culprits stood on ends. They tried to escape this melody with diabolical speed. But the melody of death followed them unto death.

Who was responsible for all this. To know you must see the presentation of ANSHU PRERNA FILMS' HISAAB KHOON KA.


[From the official press booklet]




Films by the same director