indian cinema heritage foundation

Ek Hi Rasta (1956)

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  • Release Date1956
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatB-W
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time155 min
  • Length4257.30 meters
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number81060
  • Certificate Date17/04/1976
  • Shooting LocationKardar Studios

There they were: the three of them, standing at the cross-roads, and ahead of them lay the many paths covered by the lengthening, grotesque shapes of a world that was crumbling: their own small world!

They were three: the woman, who was a wife, a mother, a woman. The man who had gladly given his all to redeem two stricken hearts. The child, loving, lovable: whose past was the ideal he worshipped; whose future overshadowed by the memories of an ideal that had ceased to exist; whose every smile and every tear left an impress, an indelible scar on the lives of the other two!

Those three, Malti, Prakash, Raja—faced the dividing paths that lay ahead of them, stunned, bewildered, benumbed. In their hearts thoughts defying classification raced like mad and in the mirror of a now permanently suspended tear were projected the kaleidoscopic patterns of their lives.

The woman Malti: it was she who suffered most. The burden of their past and future weighed heavy on her. Like all of her sex she had borne it so far bravely, trying to glean a little happiness from the flood of hot, burning tears that suffering had bequeathed. Why was it that she alone had to face all of this? She had tried so hard to secure happiness for all of them but her sacrifices availed her not. The Man had brought misery on himself; the Child had become truculent, wayward. Oh! Why must it always be so that the meek should suffer ever?

The Man, Prakash—how smooth life had been for him! Fate had bestowed on him not only a silver-spoon but an honest and loving friend in Amar. Life flowed on its even course and he had thought nothing could ever change its even tenor, till one day, he learnt the shocking news that his friend was no more. From that day all those values which had formed the creed of his life dissolved into nothingness. In a moment of righteous anger he threw himself headlong into a whirlpool—donned the mantle of responsibility for the life of two lone lives and happiness became a mirage. For him as he now stood at the crossing of the roads, there was nothing but darkness. Those who he seeked to make happy were miserable. There seemed no way out; the light of hope flickered in the raging tempest of unruly emotions and was even then dying out; the path he had traced for himself was slowly fading away in the darkening shadows. Would the angry, raging winds die down and relight the lamp that was to show him the true path?

Raja, the child: he was but a child. To him was not given the ability to shift the confusing patterns life traced in his path. Love of an ideal, belief in something ethereal, something that was no more was the root of all the suffering he was causing, unwittingly, to those who loved him. Reality eluded him and as one in a stupor he did things which none dreamed he could. His mind was poisoned; his heart hungered for love. But there he was and flanking him were the two.

The woman, who was a wife, a mother, a woman! The man who was a father and yet, not a father! Their goal was one: happiness. The roads many and the lamp of love flickered uncertainly in the tempest that raged within their hearts. Today they had to make a decision—the fates that order the destinies of men were frantic. What should he do? What should they do?


(From the official press booklet)





Films by the same director