indian cinema heritage foundation
  • Release Date1978
  • GenreHorror
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time110 mins
  • Length3617.67 metres
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberA-4097-MUM
  • Certificate Date21/01/1978
  • Shooting LocationEssel Studios

Shimago (a small village)

After Mid-night

Interior of "Thakur Pratap Singh's Haveli"

Thakur lay on his death bed. He stares at the forbidden door where-in is the monster who had destroyed his entire clan. Killed his wife. Killed all those he loved. Only he was left and his three year old son. He must send his son to the city - never to return never to come back to this cursed castle.

His thoughts haunted him, Why? "Why did he burn Dharma alive? Dharma who worshiped Kali - now the curse of kali was upon him." His thoughts were broken at the beastly roar of the monster - "Suraj his son must be saved.... He must live ... but he must never come back... he must never come back to Shimago."

But, Suraj did come back after twenty years, He came back with beautiful wife. And he entered his fathers cursed castle. And he opened the forbidden door. And now the monster was out to kill. Out to destroy.

Who was this monster?
What was this curse of Kali?
Suraj will learn the answers be written in his blood or the blood of his beloved?

That is the question.

[from the official press booklet]