indian cinema heritage foundation

Dada (1999)

  • Release Date1999
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time133 mins
  • Length3955.32 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/0146/1999-CHEN
  • Certificate Date25/06/1999

DADA is the towering story of a simple man who is forced by circumstances into the world of crime.

Devraj Singh (Mithun Chakraborthy) with his wife and sister sets foot in a big city where he happens to spot a shoot-out in which Akbar Peerzada, a well-known underworld don is shot by his rivals Yeshwant Anna and Vikas Anna's (Rami Reddy and Deepak Shirke) men. Devraj rescues him to the hospital where his life is saved.

Akbar Peerzada, out of obligation, appoints him as his bodyguard. Devraj Singh who is brave and fearless, gradually wins his faith and confidence. Impressed of his bravery and faithfulness, Akbar Peerzada declares him as successor and gives him his chair as well. He also gives him a new name, Dada Thakur, the name of his Late Guru.

D.C.P. Trikal Chaudhary (Dilip Tahil) is posted in Dada Thakur's home town. Dada Thakur with the help of home minister gets him transferred to this big city. And on the invitation of Dada Thakur, Trikal Chaudhary along with his son goes to his bungalow to attend his sister's birthday party. In the party, when he comes across Dada Thakur he gets shocked to the bone!

Why Dada Thakur had Trikal Chaudhary transferred?
Why Trikal Chaudhary gets shocked to see Dada Thakur?
Does Dada Thakur have some old account to settle with Trikal?

For the answer watch "DADA".

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director