indian cinema heritage foundation

Bhabi (1938)

  • Release Date1938
  • GenreSocial
  • FormatB-w
  • LanguageHindi

Kishore's home held no attraction for him on account of his step mother. Tirath knew no home life being an orphan. It was, perhaps, thus that a rare friendship grew up between the two, and they became more than brothers to each other. 

Soon after their college career, Tirath died leaving his widow, Bimala, under Kishore's protection. 

Kishore worshipped Bimla as his Bhabi, and Bimala showered upon him all the tender affection of an elder sister. 

But the world misunderstood them. Even Kishore's father, Pashupati, disowned him. Then came Renu in Kishore's life and between the two love sprang up. This was noticed by Dinabandhu. 

Dinabandhu was an old professor of Kishore and loved him like his own son. He was also a great friend of Renu's father, Benoy, and looked after him like a brother, owning to his ill-health and eccentric habits. 

Dinabandhu proposed the marriage of Kishore and Renu to Benoy. Benoy approved of it heartily. Bimala looked forward to the happy union. 

Hemangini, a scheming widow, was anxious to her son, Anupam married to Renu, and thereby to acquire wealth of her father. 

Findinig Kishore a serial rival to Anupam, she planned to get Kishore infatuated by Bela, her young and vivacious neice, who was also a great friend of Renu. 

Kishore remained unaffected by Bela. Bela fell in love with him but kept it to herself, when she discovered to her dismay Renu's love for Kishore. 

Hemangini's plan failed. 

Anupam who had been courting Renu, finding himself ousted by Kishore, swore vengeance against him, and relentlessly brought into play the Kishore-Bimala scandal to discredit him at the college,where he was employed as a professor, and succeeded eventually in shaking Renu's trust in him. 

Renu's love for Kishore could not be destroyed, though she could not help turning her face away from him. Kishore too retired and suffered in silence. 

Thus tragedy overtook Renu and Kishore, and saddened the hearts of Benoy, Bimala and Dinabandhu who had been looking forward to the marriage. 

Bela's love for Kishore brought about a  turning point. Dinabandhu's unflinching faith in Kishore's innocence worked with dynamic force. 

The lie which was at the root of this tragedy yielded to the power of what was true. The strength of Kishore's love and his sacred relation with Bimala were vindicated. 

Renu's heart cried out for Kishore. 

Unforseen circumstances developed. Kishore endangered his life coming to Renu's aid. 

To the joy of Bimala, Benoy, and Dinabandhu, the two sundered souls came together and found their happiness. 

 [from the official press booklet]