indian cinema heritage foundation

Begunaah (1991)

  • Release Date1991
  • GenreAction, Crime, Drama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time136 mins
  • Length3728.92 meters
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-20281-MUM
  • Certificate Date13/12/1994
  • Shooting LocationNatraj, Filmistan, Filmalaya, Kamalistan, Essel, Chandivali

"There is a Destiny that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will", - so said Shakespeare. Our film is an ode on celluloid to Destiny !... Destiny, from whose clutches the mortals of the world have no escape, try hard as they may ! our hero Jeevan, though a GEGUNAAH, an innocent, landed up in jail - Thanks to Destiny. His crime as his poverty and his intense love for Nirmala to save whose life he had to rob some costly medicines from a drug-store. Jeevan and our heroine Nirmala were immensely attached to each other. Excepting Jeevan, she had no one in this world whom she could call her own. While Jeevan languished  in jail, destine Nirmala got tossed around in this cruel wild world - her beauty at the mercy of human Sharks.  Jeevan waged a battle against cruel fate to reach his Nirmala; tried jail-breaking repeatedly - and his jail-sentence kept mounting........

Finally when he did manage to gain his freedom, he could not find any trace of Nirmala.... Fate compensated for the past cruelties by making Jeevan a millionaire, but could not provide him emotional relief.... Jeevan's frantic search for his Nirmala continued - and when destiny did bring them together, she had already turned into a street walker !

....That is not the end of our story. Destiny keeps providing it's highs and lows till the last unusual and most griping climax.

Yes, our story is a very different story. The supreme love and attachment between Jeevan and Nirmala is very different from what is usually doled out between hero and heroin in our films... Our hero Jeevan and heroine Nirmala are not the usual romantic pair - They are Father and Daughter.

(From the official press booklets)

