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ContinueSardar Shakir Ali rushed to Shah Farooq with and alarming news that Mir Qasam has, by his rusefuloverture, made an unholy alliance with all the dissident chieftains of the State and with the help of Jabar, the Commander-in-Chief, Mir Qasam formed military junta and by now they were on the path of revolt and heading fast towards the palace.
The apprisalappaled Shah Farooq and he went aghast. A great adversity befallen on him, he decided to leave the State at once.
The stroke of destiny was ready to take Farooq into hermitage; the kingly pomp and pageantry were to be ceased within no time; the 'regality' just stood at the fore-shore only to whisper "Good Bye".
A few accompanied the King and his wife MalkaGulbanoo who was also pregnant.
Now see how the destiny cracks another joke. As soon as the ship carrying Farooq touched the high seas a severe storm broke out, while earlier the Queen gave birth to a twin. Farooq had put birth mark on the arms of his newly born babies; placed them inside a wooden box and threw it into the sea. The mother MalkaBanoo also dived. Farooq was killed in the storm. The drifting box and Mother ashored next day. Shakir Ali took them to his house. Price Feroz was brought up under the guidance of MalkaGulbanoo and Prince Kamal has got the good grace of Commander-in-Chief, Jabar. It is interesting to note that both the Princes were brothers and at the same time they did not know each other as brothers. Both fell in love with Princess Zeenat; both wanted to inherit the same throne When PrinceKamal became the Commander-in-Chief, he imprisoned the ruling King Mir Qasam and proclaimed himself the king. Hereafter Prince Kamal had put his all resources and exerted all his efforts in order to achieve Princess Zeenat.
At last Zeenat agreed to marry Kamal. In the wake of the marriage feast a terrible fight ensured between Kamal and Reroz.
Who defeated who? - Who achieved Zeenat? - Who conqeured the throne - and who recgnizd whom?
See on the silver screen.