indian cinema heritage foundation

Baghaawat Ek Jung (2001)

  • Release Date2001
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time121 mins
  • Length3267.67
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/40/99-MUM
  • Certificate Date17/08/1999
  • Shooting LocationKamalistan, Filmcity, Jagan Laxmi, Bokade Bungalow, Ooty

'Baghaawat... Ek Jung' is the story of those people who take crime not out of choice but because of circumstances.

Krishna (MithunChakraborty) and Arjun (AdityaPancholi) are such Protagonists who have been forced by circumstances to enter the world of crime and were working for the dreaded underworld kingpins David (David Shirke) and Vishwanath (Mohan Joshi), who are sworn enemies of each other.

The enemity between their bosses has created hatred between Krishna and Arjun to such an extent that both want to kill each other. Thirsty for each others blood they fail to realise that they are getting entangled in the world of crime more and more. One day, Krishna meets Inspector Vijay (Shahbaaz Khan), an honest cop, who after his through investigation comes to know that Krishna being a criminal has a kind of heart from within. He decides to get Krishna out of the clutches of crime, as he fears that if it gets too late innocent people will suffer on their account. And the innocent people are none other than Krishna's sister Kiran (ManviGoswami) and Arjun's brother Siddharth (Anshul Nagar), who are madly in love with each other. They know the fact that their brothers are dreaded enemies but they have faith that their love will definitely put an end to this blood ware between Krishna and Arjun.

The two lovers finally succeed in uniting Krishna and Arjun, but David and Vishwanath are not happy with foes turning friends and then they take help of their associate, Minister (Ishrat Ali) to put an end to Krishna and Arjuns lives.

What was the outcome of Krishna and Arjun'senemity?

With Siddharth and Kiran's love succeed against all odds?

What was the minister's plan to kill Krishna an Arjun?

Will David and Vishwanath succeed in their mission?

To find the answers to all these questions watch Producer and Director Deepak Pawar's 'Baghaawat...Ek Jung'.



Films by the same director

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