indian cinema heritage foundation

Girlfriend (2004)

  • Release Date2004
  • GenreRoamance, Drama
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time119 mins
  • Length3360.50 metres
  • Number of Reels14
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/67/2004-MUM
  • Certificate Date03/06/2004
  • Shooting LocationSurya Kiran Bungalow, Dawood Bungalow, Jaipan, Thakur College, Jai Hind Oil Mills, Magnum -II

Tanya and Sapna are two friends, together since college, living together and enjoying life. Both are in to male bashing.  Whatever Tanya does, Sapna follows.

Once when Tanya is out of town on official work, Sapna meets Rahul. Rahul pursues Sapna. By the time Tanya comes back, Sapna is in love. When Tanya learns about this, she reacts strongly. Her possessiveness and jealousy comes out on meeting Rahul. But why is she so possessive about Sapna? And that also to the extent that she goes all out to wreck Sapna's relationship with Rahul. There are hidden desires in Tanya. Wild desires, which lead her to clash with Rahul in a fight to wild finish.


[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director