indian cinema heritage foundation

Dafan (2001)

  • Release Date2001
  • GenreHorror
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time152 mins
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Shooting LocationJeevan Mill, Mohan Studio, Essel Studio, Panvel (Surve Farm)

When the great God desides to show his Super Natural Power, even great people Saints, and Spiritual Leaders become motionless. Those who thinks they can reach Moon, have als failed in finding the truth. When earthquake comes bursting the land and swallows the Manking (Men) and animals, nobody can judge anything and become motionless. When anybody wants to take revenge even after death, it destroy the sinner. In the same manner, the super natural incident happened before us. Some henious crime takes place some body dreams somewhere else. This is called an Intuation. Our storeys is also based on Intuation. Pooja (Satnam Kaur) becomes restless when she sees a dead girl murdered some bad people conveys this to her Fiancy, Vicky, a Police Inspector who laugh at her. When pooja's dead bodies found in a Jungle. Vicky believes what Pooja said. One night Pooja dreams one Darampal (Raza Murad), Durjan (Shiva), Gulshan (Prithvi), a and Vakil Saheb (Anil) and Prema murdering Jagir Singh. Pooja also knows, why Jagir Singh is murdered. Because the Grab and occupy his bungalow and open a Star Hotel. But Jagir Singh was thinking to open a orphanage, in the Bungalows. Pooja learns the whole thing but since could not understand where the bungalow. But the fate take takes her to the Haveli & she recovnised all the culprits and decided to handover them to the police. But Pooja's restless sole (ATMA) had decided to take revenge. And then the Dead Body started falling.

Vicky finds a Girl, Chamia, who have a strong family resemblence and took like Pooja only. Both have started working together to solve this case. In the end all the four sincer are complete destroyed.

It is proved the way you do, you will have the same result.

Why Pooja wanted to take revenge? Will see succeed? What Vicky could catch culprits?

To know the claimax of this dreadful story, please see the picture on screen.

The most shattaring thrill "DAFAN" presented by Iswar Films.

[from the official press booklet]



Films by the same director