indian cinema heritage foundation

Saatwan Aasman (1992)

  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time130 mins
  • Length3619.83 meters
  • Gauge35 mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate NumberU-16767-MUM
  • Certificate Date07/04/1992

One who is born is bound to die. Death is a reality and various people cope with it in their own way. Most of us tend to take it as a distant reality and live life leisurely postponing matters and issues to tomorrow. 

Not so in the case of Pooja and Suraj. They learnt in advance that at the most they had a lease of six months on life and that too at a tender age. Rather than waiting for death to strike they decided to meet it headlong. They decided to compress sixty years in those six months and take whatever life has to offer, can offer to anybody who goes through a normal life span.

(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director