indian cinema heritage foundation

Jigri Dost (1969)

  • Release Date1969
  • GenreFamily, Comedy
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time151 min
  • Length4478.55 metres
  • Number of Reels17
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number91405
  • Certificate Date16/08/1979 (Re-certification)
  • Shooting LocationVauhini Studios

Call it an act of God, or a miracle of nature or an accident-but when shepherd-by Gopi and pleader Anand meet at Advocate Narayan Prasad Varma's house, they are baffled to see each other. Because such is the striking similarity in their likeness. And this only is the cause of many ups and downs in their lives.

Neelkant, the Chairman, poses as a gentleman, but is engaged in nefarious activities and anti-social acts. His son Kasturi hates the very ground on which his father walks. Indu, Neelkant's daughter is a pampered child. Her anger is at the tip of her nose.

One day, when Gopi was shepherding the cows he meets Indu. A herd of cows stood in the way of Indu's car. She scolds him and beats the dumb animals. Gopi in return beats her. Neelkant on hearing this telsl his henchmen to finish off Gopi. But Kasturi saves him and sends him to Advocate Narayan Prasad Varma to drag his father in the Court.

Narayan Prasad, his wife Annapurna and daughter Shobha are eagerly waiting Anand. But here comes Gopi and all of them, thinking him to be Anand, receive him as their would be Son-in-Law. Gopi and Shobha meet. It becomes a case of love at first sight. Now comes Anand and then only wisdom dawns upon Gopi. He tells Anand that he is leaving the house. Anand argue with him and makes him stay.

Indu who was keenly looking for Gopi to take revenge meets Anand in a park. She teases him, scolds him, but ultimately Eve surrenders to Adam.

Days fly on the wings of time........ and one day Narayan Prasad comes to know the secret of Anand and Gopi. He turns Gopi out of the house and tells Anand that he has fixed his marriage with Shoba. Anand flatly says 'No'. Anand tells the Advocate that he is in love with Neelkant's daughter Indu. Then Narayan Prasad reveals that Neelkant has murdered his father. Enraged Anand takes a vow to take revenge.

How Anand took revenge?
How Gopi helped his intimate friend?
What happened to Neelkant?
These are your problems- We can solve them- but not here !

Please see on the silver screen "JIGRI DOST".

[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director