indian cinema heritage foundation

Hawalaat (1987)

  • Release Date1987
  • GenreDrama, Action
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time158 min
  • Length4777.39 metres
  • Number of Reels19
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number6193
  • Certificate Date17/06/1987
  • Shooting LocationMehboob, Filmistan, Natraj, Film City, Chandivali, Esel, RK and Outdoor at Kudermukh Iron Ore Co. Mangalore & Hyderabad

Sins are committed by all, but a Sinner converting into a nobleman. Have you seen this?

GEETA worshipped her work, but the same pushed her into the dark allies of life and SHAM was the Sufferer.

People visit temples, mosques, and churches to pray, but MANGAL tried to give the same pedestal to a prison. He dedicated his life to battle in order to lose, because his defeat was to be the biggest victory.

And GULLU BADSHAH chased all sins all his life and when he captured the sinner his eyes welled up with tears. The gist of "HAWALAAT" is the tug of war between the duty & desires. This all is not only to be hard but to be seen.


(From the official press booklet)



Films by the same director