indian cinema heritage foundation

Dhoop Chhaon (1977)

  • Release Date1977
  • GenreDrama
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time123 mins
  • Length3669.18
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number83877
  • Certificate Date22/03/1987
  • Shooting LocationRoop Tara Studio, Filmistan Studio, Esel Outdoor Location, Chandivali Outdoor Location

The life of a human being is full of shades of miseries and light of happiness. At one stage the light of happiness converts the life into blossoms and at the other stage the shades of miseries make the life plightful.

Same was the case of Paras, who was brought up in an orphanage. But his destiny brought him in the hands of a renowned doctor Singh who sculpted the career of Paras into an expert Doctor like himself. During this period the nearby village Sonpur fell prey to a deadly disease. Dr. Singh sent Paras to Sonpur to fight for the lives of villagers with the help of Chowdhry Paras succeeded not only in sweeping away the fatal disease from the village but tried to reform the ignorant villagers.

Lajo was the talk of Sonpur  Some bad elements of the  villages wanted to have this young girl into their arms. Dulare was on the top of the list.

Love at first sight was happening between Lajo and Paras. Dulare could not tolerate it. He was not a man to surrender before any invader. The day when Lajo and Paras were to be engaged, Dulare attacked Paras who was returning from the city. Paras was fiercely injured and was thrown in the river. But as luck would have it, Paras survived and was admitted to a city hospital. He was being looked after by his own guardian Dr. Singh and his recently London returned daughter Dr. Manju. In the instincts given by her father Manju started  falling for Pars. She was not aware of the fact related to Paras and Lajo. Paras was also least concerned with Manju. He was worried about Lajo who had been kidnapped by unknown people.

[from the official press booklet]