indian cinema heritage foundation

Charanjeet Singh

Art Direction

Art director Charanjeet Singh is known for films such as Dial 100 (1982). 

An action crime drama, Dial 100 was directed by S Ramanathan and written by Vsilai Somanathan, Partho Mukerjee and Khalid Narvi. It starred Ashok Kumar, Vinod Mehra and Bindiya Goswami. The plot revolved around Raju and Rana who kill Seth Din Dayal and loot his diamonds. While they are chased by the cops, differences crop up between them regarding the diamonds. While Rana is chasing Raju hides the diamonds inside the guitar of singer Gautam and keeps it in his car, which gets stolen and reaches several different people. In the process of getting the diamonds, Raju gets killed by Rana and his body keeps on travelling to various flats in the colony. Geeta, the fiancée of Gautam, believes she has killed him when Raju attacked her for the diamonds. Gautam takes the blame on himself but is also framed for the robbery and murder of Seth Din Dayal.