indian cinema heritage foundation

Prem Granth (1996)

  • LanguageHindi

PREM GRANTH is a story of profound and limitless love. The love which has no barriers of caste, creed and colour. A story of traditions, culture and social justice.

SOMAN a student of law and son of head priest Swami Dharam Bhushan Maharaj is a young man with a very strong character and courage of conviction. He always stood by the principles of equality and freedom. He often confronted his father on various irrational issues of social justice. His uncle, the elder brother of his father Nand Lal owned a dairy farm and kept himself away from the affairs of religion and social obligations.

Soman meets beautiful young girl KAJARI at a festival and is drawn towards her at first sight and that becomes the dawn of their intense and profound LOVE. They part leaving the fire of love burning within Soman. Soman tries his best to find Kajari but all in vain. A year passes...

They meet again. Soman finds his Kajari, his love blossoms again... He tries to express his love towards her but she remains evasive. The destiny had left marks of pain and agony on her soul. She was victim of cruelties of life and society. She loved Soman but the scars on her soul hovered on her mind each moment of her existence.

Soman comes to know about the sad tale of Kajari. He is tormented. Kajari's love gives him the strength to confront his father and fight the evil of the society. Their love emerges victorious and paves a path towards the new horizons of social justice. The strength and sacrifice of their love gives the strength to people burdened under the false social values, to fight back.

Soman and Kajari meet forever and their love and strength becomes an epic of love depicting a story of women's courage and man's determination to fight the social evils.

(From the official press booklet)



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    R K Films, Bombay
  • Director