indian cinema heritage foundation

Dil Aur Mohabbat (1968)

  • Release Date1968
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time133 mins
  • Length3985.23
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number94096
  • Certificate Date25/08/1980 (Re-certification)
  • Shooting LocationRoop Tara STudios, Rajkamal Kalamandir Studios & Filmistan Studios

Dil Aur Mohabbat is a story of a Father (Ashok Kumar) and son (Joy) Father is a Police Inspector who had earned dozens of glittering Gold Medals for his honesty and bravery His wife is invalid and according to Doctors, only chance of her survival depends on her going to America for treatment Inspector Choudhary has no means yet he loves his wife, thus starts the first tussle in his heart, love for his wife versus honesty. Honesty wins and wife is lost.

His only son Rajesh is a kid then. In the lack of proper parental care the boy gets into the habit of gambling Father's pampering and the time, both helped his lust to increase unrestrainedly. Young boy with no training of discipline now takes his life as a game of gambling Andin one of such daring bets he befools Anuradha (Sharmila), his class mate. The result is he wins the bet but loses the girl. She takes him as a loafer and starts hating him. But one day Rajesh saves her life under very dangerous circumstances and from then on Rajesh is everything for her.

Love-stricken Rajesh decides to mend his ways and promises to his best friend Sampat (Johnny), that today would be his last gambling night He prays to God to give him enough money to enable him to buy a costly present for his dream girl (Anuradha), but luck had altogether a different story written for him Rajesh finds out Singh’s brother cheating him, angered, Rajesh picks up a quarrel with him, which ends in the death of Singh’s brother Horror stricken Rajesh, 1sadvised by Kishori (Bela) to run away from the scene.

In the mean-time Choudhary is transferred to Bombay But the unfortunate father arrives too late. Few hours earlier his son had killed a man. Cruel fate does not spare ‘Choudhary from its clutches No one else, but, the heart broken father himself is commissioned to arrest his son. For the second time a tussle starts in the father’s heart. Love for his son versus law. He had already lost his wife for his honesty.

Does he stick to his duty this time even in the prospect of losing his beloved son? 

See your beloved Ashok Kumar in his most bewildered moments in DIL AUR MOHABBAT.

[from the official press booklet]

