indian cinema heritage foundation

Chot (2004)

  • Release Date2004
  • GenreDrama
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time138 mins
  • Length3816.17
  • Number of Reels15
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate NumberCIL/3/63/2004-MUM
  • Certificate Date26/05/2004

Chot is a story of a milkman, Kishan Yadav 'Ashutosh Rana' who from U.P. comes to the city of Mumbai accompanied by his kid brother in town Kabir 'Rohit Nayyar' to make big. On the basis of his ethical values Kishan from his humble beginnings create a mega Diary farm. A builder sets his eyes on Kishan's Dairy farm which in due course of time has become prime property. To ward of this threat, Kishan meets a social worker Hamdard 'Vineet Kumar' and is assured by him that nothing untoward will happen. For Kishan the reason of his life is Kabir who is engaged to Anu Sikri, a journalist 'Jessy Randhawa'.

A corrupt to core Police inspector, Lal 'Sharad Kapoor' is posted in this area where this tangle of Hooda and Kishan Yadav is undergoing. Lal strikes a deal with Hooda to get Krishna's diary vacated. Hamdard too ditches kishan and joins hands with them. As the part of this conspiracy Kabir is framed by Lal in a dubious case of assaulting him while in uniform. Kishan is asked to make sacrifice of his diary in lieu of his brother which he agrees to as well. A lady Police inspector, Malti Desai 'Netra Raguram' raids the scene of this trade off & arrests Lal. Kabir in vengeance starts a gory game in which trusted allies of Lal & Hooda are targeted. Kishan on coming to know of his brother's deeds confronts him & asks him to put and aned to all this, reluctantly Kabir agrees.

Kabir is killed while on the way to court to give testimony. Kishan is ravaged an is like a panting volcano, in his quest for justice, disillusioned by the legal system, he takes the matter in his hands and obliterates  this trimurative of injustice namely Hooda, Hamdard & Lal in the flood of death & gory bathes in Milk.

[from the official press booklet]